The Good Omen

I was at the laundromat in town this morning when in between the washer and the dryer I went outside for a breath of fresh air. When I looked up I saw this amazing cloud formation with a fire rainbow  timidly forming inside.

In these intense times, approaching a Full Moon and lunar eclipse on  9.16.16 at 3:05 PM EST  the Universe is sending us a sign to strengthen our courage and faith in positive outcomes.

So I am sharing it with you . May this be a Good Omen to all .



A Magical Feng Shui Story

Back in May I shared with you  in Messages in a wall and A simple reflection  how trying to replace a window led to a complete clean up of my Helpful People Gua.

Well , after I managed to close the wall I dove straight in the basement (the Past) to replace the window underneath the area affected. This took me a while because here nothing is easy.On the bright side I cleaned the Helpful People (in the Past ) Gua really good and sealed and painted the wall.

I was ready to resume work on the main floor ,only the house wanted me to consider few things: The clean up would extend in the Creativity and Relationships Guas and a new window was to be added in the bathroom( Relationships bordering Creativity). So I needed a plan since the experience with the first one left me exhausted. Now I was looking at replacing two windows and adding a third one.

Because we were going back and forth with the idea of tearing down the whole wall  I took some time to meditate.

One morning looking at hiking trails around here I stumbled upon an article about the Lenni Lenapes-TheWolf Clan   which lived in the area I live .I knew about them and being fond of their history always searched for more information.One year I even planted the “Three Sisters ” (corn , squash and beans) in their honor.

For one thing ,The Wolf is very dear to me. It has appeared many times in my life and it was revered in my ancestry as a sacred animal. The Dacians (my ancestors ) had a Wolf flag . The picture bellow is a beautiful detail of how the flag looked like . It was used to protect a space, often mounted on gates or at each corner of land boundaries and in battle was carried as a pole flag by brave riders to intimidate the enemy.


The Dacian Flag ( The Wolf) carved on a wood gate in Maramures/Romania

The article signaled their presence in my multidimensional world and I started to listen to my heart rather then my logical side.

I felt as if changing the basement window  opened a benevolent portal through which I could communicate with the Ancestors of the land ( The Lenni Lenape)

Every morning I thanked them for their presence ( which I felt strongly) asking for guidance and protection.

Within few days  I started to scan the local newspaper for carpenters. I needed someone who would help me and accept  that I was working with them literally.

After few disappointing interviews  I took the newspaper again and  this time I allowed my intuition to completely take over. That afternoon the gentleman came in time wearing a T-shirt with a beautiful printed Wolf . I knew it was a sign. And after few words I had a lot of confidence everything was going to be ok.

Since we were approaching 4th of July we made arrangements to start working on July 15.

On 4th of July  my husband and I peacefully went hiking being grateful for finally finding a person we could rely on. On the trail we met a couple who felt so familiar and close. In our conversation the article I have read was brought up again . This time the woman mentioned it and I smiled with my whole soul knowing it was a confirmation  of our tangent worlds.

On July 15th we opened the rest of the wall , replaced the plate because the termite damage was extended and carefully framed and installed the new windows .

The energy shifted powerfully when  we wrapped the wall in  Tyvek. In that moment Everything felt crispy clean and strong. New windows ( eyes into our homes soul) allowed us to look into the world with new confidence and clarity. And the world could look at us with perhaps more kindness.

Not as a surprise while all this was going on I met by chance a new friend , an amazing artist who helped  us tie some loose ends, put the lath and the scratch coat ( cement at the bottom and lime on top).  He also mended the two surfaces with lath and the scratch coat . That was a big push for me. The following days I worked ten hours straight for each lime coat  ( two coats) and about four hours to apply the lime paint. The lime shifted the energy further. I hope the pictures speak for themselves .


You probably understand my silence now. It was a lot to integrate alone , never mind trying to tell a story about it.

As I write this I am contemplating the changes  and feel refreshed and strengthened by the Light flowing  in sweetly and the hopeful new connections we have made.

Sometimes life is showing us a non linear path of resolving our reality. If we have the courage to follow it we can find ourselves in a magical world of possibilities and miracles at every turn.

A messy Paradise

It has been a while since my last post. So intense my labour and the magical happenings that I couldn’t take a moment to write.

I will elaborate in the following posts. For now I just want to share with you what gave me sustenance during this past month: My Garden.

Today I was going through some pictures and I stumbled upon how we started our journey in stewarding this piece of land. It is the first time in many years I stopped and took a moment to enjoy the transformation.

Every morning , early , I  start my day watering and playing hide and seek with the squashes. Sleepy Bees  coming in for nectar convinced me not to cut the grass for a while :  Clovers were in full bloom.

The Marjoram lavishly flowered reaching out to the neighboring beds .

Life present everywhere. Looking around me all I can feel is GRATITUDE.

Gratitude for Life, for the Water, for the Sun Light , for the Wind and the Earth.

On my way back to the house I walk slowly through a sea of blooming Plantain (Bees Love it) and stop in my favorite dreaming corner , where years ago we made a stone circle.


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Here  I sit still for a moment and give my prayers to the Wind , Thanking the Garden for all the beauty surrounding.

And in the heavenly smell of Bee Balm and Mountain Mint I breath in all the Love and start my day.

Hope some of this sweetness will reach your Hearts too.

A simple reflection

Since my last post it took a lot of will power and discipline to get through my work.

The day I replaced the rotten plate in my wall I was alone , with no one to ask for HELP and rain was approaching.

My hands were tired and the stress to close up the wall was high. I thought of what a loving community means in someone’s life . Nourishment is not just food but also helping each other , caring for each other. Except for my immediate family I have none of that in the village I live in.

The Termite medicine was showing me in reverse their wisdom.

Being a seed trusted to a foreign land I made friends with  Nature and its wild creatures but not with my fellow humans. A lot to ponder here.


I find it so interesting how my home nudges me to expand and evolve my heart and consciousness through  the practical experiences at hand.

My days are pretty much chop wood, carry water and send prayers into the wind.

My Garden is enfolding into its magic and if I could have more day light in a day to work , I would.

Are you surrounded by a loving , supporting community?

In the lack of, I made my version of the prayer flags to remind me support and love is everywhere in the Universe and the same elements scattered around me are within me .

Hence I am one with All .

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Hope this post will inspire you to be kind to everyone including yourself.

Messages in a wall

It is raining again. Only today,since it is May 1st, it feels special as if the Water is meant to sooth and heal. In the background I hear OM DHARA chanted by Deva Premal.

om dhara dharayei namaha
om dharayei namaha
om bhu devyei namaha

Om and salutations to Divine Mother
who is the support of the earth.

Om and salutations to Divine Mother who is the Earth.
Honouring Mother Earth as the goddess she is”

I have been planting trees and working in the gardens in parallel with working on the house.

Interestingly I am tearing down a wall in the Helpful People and Travel Gua to replace a window.

And all would have been very easy if right on the day Mercury went retrograde I  did not find some old termite damage that has been just buried under drywall .

So now I will have to clean out and replace the wood plate. Lucky me it is not a load bearing wall.

Sometimes detours are blessings in disguise. I see all this as a metaphor : Cleaning out hidden obstacles for allowing authentic , loving and unconditional support into my life to build our dream Faerie Home . And it looks like my findings remind me of some important parts in my work.( check out Termite Totem )

As usual when I create chaos in my home I feel it at cellular level. The bees  the gardens and my husband’s hugs pull me through .

My plans are changing a bit. It is the house talking to me again , showing me the weaknesses the ugly and the hurt so I can bring in more Light, Healing and Hope.

At every step I found a lesson. Our home gives me a trail of wisdom crumbs to ponder for the journey.

The moral ? Tread lightly as there is a hidden meaning at every turn you take.



Star magic and Faerie dust: the sky mirrors itself in the Dandelions blooms.

I am watching in wonder : A Bee in every flower.

Alchemy enfolding right in front of my eyes. 


When I was a child I believed these resilient Jupiter ruled perennials are stars and constellations trapped in the grass.

Little did I knew then how my fascination with  this amazing plant would perpetuate. Dandelion is a staple in biodynamic gardening and farming.

The roots are medicine for the liver and a powerful detox. Leafs can be added to salads or sautéed like spinach.  You can make wine with its blooms, substitute coffee with its roasted roots, and so much more.

It builds soil.

Bees LOVE them.

They are a living lesson in Sacred Geometry.

And blowing its seeds in the wind is the simplest moment of happiness anyone  of any age can experience .

Where they grow it feels like the entire cosmos concentrates in one tiny spot.

“The innocent yellow dandelion! In what ever district it grows, it is the greatest boon…It [BD #506] will give the soil the faculty to attract just as much silicic acid from the atmosphere and from the Cosmos as the plants need, to make them really sentient to all that is at work in their environment. For they of themselves will then attract what they need.” — Rudolf Steiner,  Agriculture, page 99 (Adams translation)


 Dandelions are powerful healers and teachers . Go outside and gaze at their sunny faces.

And celebrate tomorrow’s Full Moon , Earth Day and Buddha’s Birthday  (next day, on Friday April 22nd) by picking up a seeded Dandelion and making a wish .

Mine is to see a world with more compassion for all living beings and each other.

 Love, Peace and Bliss


All Things Are Connected.Watching the signs.

I woke up this morning to a surreal landscape: Two seasons wanting to exist in the same moment.


I choked looking outside because all the promising flowers will bear no pollen and fruit will be compromised. Bees will look for food (if they survive the bellow freezing temperatures of the next few days ) with no hope for their future.

In the past few weeks the word GMO was constantly in my face. And to add more heaviness to my heart news of a river in China filled with antibiotics and glyphosate present even in the organic wine in California just brought me to the edge of my calm.

But this is not all. My sorrow watching the sky reminds me Geo-engineering is not a joke. And in addition to the chem trails we also add our own emotional pollution.

What is one to do? As always when crisis hits I drum and journey. I go back to my Shamanic roots and find solace in the teachings that brought me here.

As the wind is hauling outside at over 40 mph I washed all fear away. What I hear is : “ Power. Power. Take back your Power. “

In Weather Shamanism (really worth reading) by Nan Moss and David Corbin all things are connected and the lesson is we must bridge our hearts back  to Nature, to the Elements and each other if we want to step into the future.

What if the weather mirrors our collective emotional state ? And what if all this GMO and RoundUp affair shows us the destructive level of disconnect we have reached as humanity?

If i look at the signs and connect the dots I see a pattern that needs change quickly because the canvas is about to unravel.

We are at the edge of our own awakening. We are invited to open our eyes and decide.

Life has to be all inclusive.Everything is Sacred  and it starts with Ourselves.


Today at 12:30 am EST we entered  Spring Equinox.

A day to do less and listen more.

I went through the garden where I burnt sage and listen to the wind for messages.

Nature welcomed me sending a Squirrel, Woodchuck and the Falcon . Bees were looking for water in despite the biting cold.

Thirsty Bees_Fotor

Light and shadow, night and day, grief and hope all facing each other on the threshold.

Brigid and Eostre passing through causing a burst of creativity and flowers to emerge.

From my inner voice a prayer to my garden is rising :

May Your Heart Awaken

                           Awakening mine

                           So I may Grow

                           Green , Lush Ideas

                           Into Prosperous Actions ;

                           So I may weave

                           Strands of Cosmic Inspirations

                           Into a tapestry  of Sacred Work.

                          Awaken your Heart

                          So mine will Flower

                          Into the song of a Blue Bird

                          Allowing me to Bee

                          The Voice and Form

                          Of your Creative Energy .

Wishing you All Happy Spring and Dreams into Reality.


Village in the Sky

Tonight we are going through a wormhole : New moon and total Solar Eclipse.

Plus a super dance between the planets all gathered in Pisces.

I am not an astrologer but as a  biodynamic gardener and earth intuitive I follow closely the map of energies at hand.

The two words that came into my mind today (as I was admiring the Sun Rise ) were Grace and Gratitude.

I feel Grace and Gratitude every time I am outside in the garden or anywhere in Nature.

I experience these feelings when I see , listen to , or read something beautiful , when I encounter kindness and when I make something with my own hands or create anything.

When I wrote my first post I jumped into the vast net of our parallel world The Internet a little bit scared but hopeful I will not sound completely crazy or off the wall.

Then everyday I made another post I gained more wind under my wings and flying seemed  a real possibility.  While flying I met other brave souls , beautiful and all expressing their Joy, their Journeys, all immensely creative and resourceful.

Often when I meet someone who touches my heart I think: I wish we lived in the same village. Because any one would want to live with kindness, compassion, creativity, knowledge, art, food growers, wise ones, magical ones , humorous ones , dream weavers and word smiths.

I would like to introduce to you some people who for the reasons listed above I will call them “ Village in the Sky”.

Ana Maria Theis the author of Christic Codes and a magical being. I met her  in December 2015 at a poetry night in my earthly  village and the synchronicity , beauty and magic keeps unfolding ever since. And we both share ancient roots of which I will write more in a future blog.

Tami Brunk and Cayelin Castell  whose wise teachings taught my heart to listen and hear the night sky and Venus singing.

Sylvia Ismail  who gracefully visited and encouraged me by becoming the first person to follow my blog and who manages to nurture life in her garden in Cairo with knowledge and passion .

Cultivatingtime  who’s supporting visits kept me writing.

Justbluedutch who magically appeared and validated my musings inspiring me even more.

Christina, Bec and Kate@BarnHouse whose gardens are out of this world.

Rebecca Treeseed  , a naturalist with a full bag of knowledge and love for her food forest and mountain.

Amie Elna who showed me we must keep our inner child alive and made me wish I could be one of the neighbor’s children to play in the wild with her kids.

Lemanshots whose photography is amazing , poetry in digital files.

And many, many others.

For the Village in the Sky where all hearts form a brilliant mosaic of life I raise my Shaman’s Drum and sing to the Sky and Land, offer my Gratitude and call in the Sun, The Moon and the Stars .

May we all  , as a whole, experience Grace today.

May our dreams weave together a magical and love filled life for our families, communities and The World .


The Stone People

An animist at heart I find solace greeting the trees and the rocks on the hiking trail. Whenever I need to refresh my mind and heart I jump in Nature’s wide open arms.

Many years ago I found an enchanted place . Within a circle of stones an ancient Shaman rests smiling to the West. Small tiny crystals adorn his cheek as if tears have been rolling down and hardened in eternity. I look at this boulder and wonder what stories he might have to share?

I sink in its silence and close my eyes : “Please give me a sign for Spring. Is it near?”

Now eyes wide open I look between the trees . The sun is bright and   a Nuthatch came closer to examine me. I take it as a hopeful answer.

I leave retracing my footprints and singing a song as my offering. Grateful ,I say good bye and take the trail down to a waterfall which   endeared  itself to every passer by but stole my heart with its sound and swirling spirals morphing into the mossy rocks.IMG_0450

Basking in the light trickling down between the trees I give thanks for being one with all . In the distance a Hawk circles the sky: The Stone People, The Stone People, The Stone People.