Hope for the Future

As long as we have Bees we have Hope for the future.

When you see them stop and breathe. Thank them for the bounty on the dinner table and for the candle lights in the darkest winter nights.

And if you find yourself in the darkest night of your soul listen to their hymn.

They will tell you about selfless love and working for the future generations.

They will tell you our natural state is Oneness, Unconditional Love and Bliss.

Sing with them and bring life in everything around.

Winter Study – 3

My footsteps sinking in the powdery fresh snow made my noon hike slide into dreamy realms .

So silent and still the landscape wanted me to pause and listen with my heart.

For a moment time became fluid reminding me of Dali’s painting “The Persistence of Memory “

Just when I thought I was walking completely alone my trail companions revealed themselves to me .



The veils so thin I could hear Angels singing .

We live in a multidimensional universe . If you look closely  what do you see ?

We always have company .

Next time you walk on a trail close your mind chatter and be still like a fresh page in a magical journal .

Expect to be amazed.

A winter study

While winter got a reputation of being ice cold and harsh I wondered about the delicate beauty rendered by snow passionately embraced by the sun.

Magical worlds of crystal and tiny diamonds shine everywhere.

Otherworldly textures invite new inspiration and day dreaming.

Treasures can be found at every step

Walk mindful …

Cat Approved

They were abandoned by someone who used to live near by. They survived harsh winters and they are fed by some of my neighbors and ourselves . We built them little winter homes and they roam free . Today is raining and instead of hanging out in their usual spot they decided to visit our new deck.

I love seeing they feel at peace and loved when they come here .


Or perhaps they came for a Reiki bath?

A new view into Paradise

Keeping the silence  of the world

I weave my dreams and yours

with strands of Light

and cherry blossoms ;

so when the moon is dipped in gold

deeds fill with ores

rich in delight

and all things awesome.

Transient between dimensions

I stretch my breath

into Lapis blue Heavens ,

growing roots in dreamy depths

and Love rich humus

where learning to surrender

becomes the vision

which seeds tomorrow’s splendor.


Happy Spring

from my heart to yours.

Saw Love , Harvest Beauty

Sometime early in March I bought these Hyacinth bulbs in a glass vase from the supermarket. They bloomed on my window seal smelling heavenly and easing my winter blues.

When their time passed I put them in a Hypertufa planter I made some time ago.

As I laid them to rest  in the fresh soil  I said a prayer and loved them once more for their presence and without any expectations kissed them goodbye.

Few days ago I watched them in awe blooming in despite the freezing temperatures we have experienced lately.

I felt as if Nature was gifting me for a good deed . According to Tess Whitehurst   Hyacinths  represent” Abundance and Luxury, Attracting Gifts, Charm and Irresistibility, Glamour, Influence” . Just in time for the Holidays.

In another description of these flowers I found out its pink color  invites one to playfulness and recreation. And oh yes after a hard working summer I so needed to hear this. It never ceases to amaze me how Gaia delivers the medicine you need, always. I craved playtime for months and just when I forgot to smile the cycle of Gratitude bloomed with wisdom and beauty in my heart again.

What messages are you getting? Do you listen ? Nature is in constant dialog with us.

It is time we pay attention.


Full Moon Miracles

Yesterday I gave a friend a ride and took the back streets to return home . In the corner of my eye i saw a potter’s wheel on the curb . Didn’t stop but my heart was screaming : “GO BACK”

For about ten years I have been secretly wishing for one . Sometimes the wishing was more intense and sometimes faded in my daily dance with life.

This morning  basked in the Full Moon’s energy I woke up and the first thing on my mind was the potter’s wheel . I imagined myself having loads of fun with it . In despite the rain I jumped in the car and thought : “what are the chances I will find it again? ”

Sure enough it was waiting for me soaked by rain. I drained it ,wiped it clean and took it away feeling grateful.




Dreams do come true . Just keep them alive in your heart .

Coincidently I was walking through the garden yesterday and noticed the woodchuck made huge mounds of clay while cleaning his borrow. I always like to think the signs are coming together in the most magical way.




Burdock . Lessons & Inspirations

Burdock Loves community . It grows in patches and is abundantly found almost everywhere. Considered a weed , it taught me to never judge anything or anyone from word of mouth but from direct experience.

In my garden Burdock has a place of honor. It is allowed to pop up wherever she wants. A Venus plant with many talents it is considered one of the best blood and lymph cleansers . The leafs can aid rheumatic pain and skin conditions. The stalks harvested before flowering make a delicious meal and flowers and seeds are used as well in tinctures and tasty meals. Its tap root grows deep into the soil breaking up compaction and is used as well , medicinally and culinary .

A grounding and protecting plant offers its leaves to the sun and in dried form can be used as smudging bundles. And I love its leaves because they are my source of artistic inspiration .




We found Burdock when we first moved in and we tried to get rid of . She intimidated us . Her persistence showed up every year not taking NO for an answer. Few years into our journey I needed its medicine and I cried with gratitude when it came back in the garden. Then the Bees showed me it is also food for them and other pollinators .

Burdock tells me abundance is everywhere around us. Nature is generous and gives wholeheartedly . It is just up to us to recognize and value the treasures she puts at our feet .

We need to preserve all this abundance and we must see Nature with completely new eyes. In the process we may see each other with more compassion .

We are One . And we are One with ALL