Winter Study – 3

My footsteps sinking in the powdery fresh snow made my noon hike slide into dreamy realms .

So silent and still the landscape wanted me to pause and listen with my heart.

For a moment time became fluid reminding me of Dali’s painting “The Persistence of Memory “

Just when I thought I was walking completely alone my trail companions revealed themselves to me .



The veils so thin I could hear Angels singing .

We live in a multidimensional universe . If you look closely  what do you see ?

We always have company .

Next time you walk on a trail close your mind chatter and be still like a fresh page in a magical journal .

Expect to be amazed.

Cat Approved

They were abandoned by someone who used to live near by. They survived harsh winters and they are fed by some of my neighbors and ourselves . We built them little winter homes and they roam free . Today is raining and instead of hanging out in their usual spot they decided to visit our new deck.

I love seeing they feel at peace and loved when they come here .


Or perhaps they came for a Reiki bath?

A new view into Paradise

Keeping the silence  of the world

I weave my dreams and yours

with strands of Light

and cherry blossoms ;

so when the moon is dipped in gold

deeds fill with ores

rich in delight

and all things awesome.

Transient between dimensions

I stretch my breath

into Lapis blue Heavens ,

growing roots in dreamy depths

and Love rich humus

where learning to surrender

becomes the vision

which seeds tomorrow’s splendor.


Happy Spring

from my heart to yours.

Saw Love , Harvest Beauty

Sometime early in March I bought these Hyacinth bulbs in a glass vase from the supermarket. They bloomed on my window seal smelling heavenly and easing my winter blues.

When their time passed I put them in a Hypertufa planter I made some time ago.

As I laid them to rest  in the fresh soil  I said a prayer and loved them once more for their presence and without any expectations kissed them goodbye.

Few days ago I watched them in awe blooming in despite the freezing temperatures we have experienced lately.

I felt as if Nature was gifting me for a good deed . According to Tess Whitehurst   Hyacinths  represent” Abundance and Luxury, Attracting Gifts, Charm and Irresistibility, Glamour, Influence” . Just in time for the Holidays.

In another description of these flowers I found out its pink color  invites one to playfulness and recreation. And oh yes after a hard working summer I so needed to hear this. It never ceases to amaze me how Gaia delivers the medicine you need, always. I craved playtime for months and just when I forgot to smile the cycle of Gratitude bloomed with wisdom and beauty in my heart again.

What messages are you getting? Do you listen ? Nature is in constant dialog with us.

It is time we pay attention.


Burdock . Lessons & Inspirations

Burdock Loves community . It grows in patches and is abundantly found almost everywhere. Considered a weed , it taught me to never judge anything or anyone from word of mouth but from direct experience.

In my garden Burdock has a place of honor. It is allowed to pop up wherever she wants. A Venus plant with many talents it is considered one of the best blood and lymph cleansers . The leafs can aid rheumatic pain and skin conditions. The stalks harvested before flowering make a delicious meal and flowers and seeds are used as well in tinctures and tasty meals. Its tap root grows deep into the soil breaking up compaction and is used as well , medicinally and culinary .

A grounding and protecting plant offers its leaves to the sun and in dried form can be used as smudging bundles. And I love its leaves because they are my source of artistic inspiration .




We found Burdock when we first moved in and we tried to get rid of . She intimidated us . Her persistence showed up every year not taking NO for an answer. Few years into our journey I needed its medicine and I cried with gratitude when it came back in the garden. Then the Bees showed me it is also food for them and other pollinators .

Burdock tells me abundance is everywhere around us. Nature is generous and gives wholeheartedly . It is just up to us to recognize and value the treasures she puts at our feet .

We need to preserve all this abundance and we must see Nature with completely new eyes. In the process we may see each other with more compassion .

We are One . And we are One with ALL


We have been under two feet of snow and chilled to the bone in frigid temperatures for the past week . Only since yesterday I could say I see the light at the end of the wintery tunnel .

My garden tucked away in white pajamas looks deep asleep . Underneath , life pushes through with determination and force .

Part of me wants to roll over and hide under pillows but my heart changed the beat drumming for Spring .

I woke up in a spectacle of Light . Unlike other times I can not run and start working in my garden.

Spring Equinox Light

I can only absorb the Light and meditate on a moment of perfect balance . The peace of my clay painted walls reminds me there is a place within me where I can start creating already .

So with all my heart I let the birds and their songs  guide me . I listen and imagine . I listen and imagine.

The plans are already set. Nature has the blueprints . I only have to download its dream into reality.

Open your hearts, listen and imagine . The Earth awaits us all to align with its new energy and vision . In despite what you see outside the window BELIEVE we are to experience Joy , Peace , Cooperation , Compassion ,  Abundance , the Divine in all that is and Each  Other .

Blissful Equinox to you all .

In Between

I looked outside and the sun shines bright. No traces of clouds.

Only the last two days we have been sandwiched between freezing temperatures ( 27 F in day time and 10F at night)

Encouraged by the light i took a stroll in the garden.

I close my eyes and the cold air bites into my hands while the birds are telling me something more hopeful : 15 more days until Spring arrives.

The trees, the birds and your heart always tell the truth.

Standing on frozen ground I reach the Cherry branches with my gaze. Buds are cracking open. Life can not be contained anymore.

From in between two seasons I experience the weight of my winter thoughts and the adrenaline rush of Spring’s actions .

The 13 Days of Christmas and the seeds

This post is mainly dedicated to those who expressed their curiosity and interest in the Biodynamic gesture of burying the seeds on Christmas eve.


“When the days become shorter, when the autumn and winter approach, the sun withdraws its forces more and more. In the same degree, however, in that the physical force of the sun is withdrawn, the spiritual force grows. And it is conferred on the earth most strongly when those days come when the shortest days arrive, and when the nights are longest.” Rudolf Steiner – The Mysteries, December 25, 1907

According to Rudolf Steiner the cosmic forces do not influence the earth directly .They radiate from within the earth informing the mineral and plant kingdom .

“On the other hand, for a certain time before and after this period — and notably before it, when the minerals are, so to speak, just on the point of passing over into the crystalline element of form and shape — then they are of the greatest importance; they ray out the forces that are particularly important for plant-growth. Thus we may say, approximately in the month of November-December, there is a point of time when that which is under the surface of the Earth becomes especially effective for plant growth.”

Lecture 2 Koberwitz  10th June 1924 / The Agriculture course/Rudolf Steiner

To understand this practice further I recommend reading about The Festivals and their Meaning

During December 24th and January 6 this cosmic force, the Cosmic Christ enters the earth and dispenses the new energies of the new solar cycle into all layers of our world.

The seed (microcosmos) is infused and informed of the new energetic patterns and later this energy is propagated through the plant into the animal kingdom.

Since we participate in this event by burying the seeds something magical hapends .We ourselves are being informed by this cosmic outpour  and we flow into greater understanding and harmony with nature finding our hearts and consciousness is expanding every year.


So you decided to practice this.

Choose a spot in your garden that is not prone to flooding and dig a hole big enough to fit a plastic bucket with lid . (I do this step in the fall so I am safe at Christmas if the ground is frozen.)

On the evening of the 24th gather your seeds and lovingly put them in a cardboard box. Wrap the box in few heavy duty plastic bags sealing them tightly.

Place the package in the bucket ,cover with the lid, cover the top with some burlap , some plastic and then soil and  wooden cover so everything can stay undisturbed for the next 13 days.

On January 6  before noon take the seeds out from the hole and  out of the plastic bags.(of course bring them back inside your home)

Your garden will be filled with love and harmony when you sow them.

Try and let me know.

In Winter’s Embrace

In white and diamond studded garments Winter arrived living a trail of icy veils and rainbow shimmers across my gardens.


Just crossed the Solstice threshold and in a hurry to make my last Christmas ornaments I grabbed some cookie cutters and a tray with water.I felt torn between the need to slow down and the big list to do.


Breathing in and slowly out, the frigid air gives me a rush of anticipation. In a blink of an eye the ornaments are ready and the inner child is lost in wonder . Clear Ice , Crystal Like hanging on my Cherry Trees. And a wish in each so when the Sun will melt them all the Love will sip into the ground.



Few days later on the 24th I grabbed my bundle of seeds for next year’s sowing and carefully buried them few feet under my dormant beds. In Biodynamic gardening we do so because until January 6 the Earth is most receptive to the new Solar and Cosmic energies . The seeds are being informed of a new energetic  blueprint .

I too trust myself into this process and i have learned to slide into dream time even when the modern life grabs me out into doing.

Join me and Dream of a world filled with Beauty, Peace, Joy and Compassion. Imagine rivers of clear , healing water and fields of opportunity to embrace cooperation rather than competition. Sow your life with good deeds and nurturing thoughts .Care for one another . Be present and deliberate. Weave your hearts and your actions into Love and cover the world with it.

With Gratitude

In Winter’s embrace I wish you all to experience Happiness and Grace






The sun light feels even brighter in contrast with the longer nights.  I stroll through my back yard embracing every corner and summer memory. My garden is falling asleep under a thick coat of cover crops and  the trees lost most of their leaves allowing for a beautiful view of the the mountain behind .

At the end of September I applied the last set of biodynamic preparations (#500, # 508 , #501) .

Yesterday I sprayed “ The Harmonizing Preparation” .


It is one of the ways I do Ceremony for the land and express my Gratitude for the nurturing, the love and the bounty provided to me and my family.

In the midst of a world in turmoil and change  I am too small and yet I know that if I continue my work and partnership with Nature I do my part for a brighter future .

The Bees work tireless all summer for a generation of brood they will never meet . It is a lesson I absorbed in my core. It gave me strength knowing that every action we take today will bloom later in life or next season or in the lifetime of our grandchildren .

Facing the darkest part of the year it is Gratitude that will keep our dreams alive .

I invite you all to keep this Inner Light alive by writing ten reasons you are grateful for , give thanks to ten people , leave an offering in your garden or in any public park as a token of appreciation for Nature’s support.

The offering can be anything.: a song, a heart felt note, a rock, some bird seeds or just a sip of water.

And just before the evening’s end remember those who crossed over by lighting a candle.

With Gratitude , Light, Love and Peace.
