Saw Love , Harvest Beauty

Sometime early in March I bought these Hyacinth bulbs in a glass vase from the supermarket. They bloomed on my window seal smelling heavenly and easing my winter blues.

When their time passed I put them in a Hypertufa planter I made some time ago.

As I laid them to rest  in the fresh soil  I said a prayer and loved them once more for their presence and without any expectations kissed them goodbye.

Few days ago I watched them in awe blooming in despite the freezing temperatures we have experienced lately.

I felt as if Nature was gifting me for a good deed . According to Tess Whitehurst   Hyacinths  represent” Abundance and Luxury, Attracting Gifts, Charm and Irresistibility, Glamour, Influence” . Just in time for the Holidays.

In another description of these flowers I found out its pink color  invites one to playfulness and recreation. And oh yes after a hard working summer I so needed to hear this. It never ceases to amaze me how Gaia delivers the medicine you need, always. I craved playtime for months and just when I forgot to smile the cycle of Gratitude bloomed with wisdom and beauty in my heart again.

What messages are you getting? Do you listen ? Nature is in constant dialog with us.

It is time we pay attention.


Burdock . Lessons & Inspirations

Burdock Loves community . It grows in patches and is abundantly found almost everywhere. Considered a weed , it taught me to never judge anything or anyone from word of mouth but from direct experience.

In my garden Burdock has a place of honor. It is allowed to pop up wherever she wants. A Venus plant with many talents it is considered one of the best blood and lymph cleansers . The leafs can aid rheumatic pain and skin conditions. The stalks harvested before flowering make a delicious meal and flowers and seeds are used as well in tinctures and tasty meals. Its tap root grows deep into the soil breaking up compaction and is used as well , medicinally and culinary .

A grounding and protecting plant offers its leaves to the sun and in dried form can be used as smudging bundles. And I love its leaves because they are my source of artistic inspiration .




We found Burdock when we first moved in and we tried to get rid of . She intimidated us . Her persistence showed up every year not taking NO for an answer. Few years into our journey I needed its medicine and I cried with gratitude when it came back in the garden. Then the Bees showed me it is also food for them and other pollinators .

Burdock tells me abundance is everywhere around us. Nature is generous and gives wholeheartedly . It is just up to us to recognize and value the treasures she puts at our feet .

We need to preserve all this abundance and we must see Nature with completely new eyes. In the process we may see each other with more compassion .

We are One . And we are One with ALL

Wedding in the Heavens

When a hive reaches maturity the Queen and half of her Worker Bees will swarm to a new location and start over. They leave behind a house full of brood, honey, nectar and a new Queen.

The most amazing thing is to experience a swarm. The high energy of the Bees in motion reverberates in the deepest corners of your body. There is Happiness in the air and a contagious exuberance.

In the middle of this chaotic swirl of Bees emerging from the hive the Queen shines like a bride. She flies high up in the heavens to mate with the Sun. Exposed to light a chemical process renews her fertility and power to create.

In the “ Nine Lectures for the Bees ” Rudolf Steiner explains the alchemy of light within the hive and relationship between the Queen and the Sun. But the most delightful explanation of this Holly event I found reading ‘The Song of Increase ” by Jacqueline Freeman

My Bees Blessed my garden three times this Spring . I caught few causing me to climb at dizzying heights to get them.

While I welcome and understand the event my heart always aches at the thought of departing from a good old queen.


There was no time to even get my hat or a tarp to put underneath the box. I had to act fast . Many times they will sit in a location for a short while and then they fly to another which is permanent.

So at the end of the day I got the swarm and a good doze of euphoria.


A simple meal .


Just around the corner the Nettle patch is looking up with new ,young leaves . I reach down and grab few with bear hands allowing the prickly contact to awaken me into a new day.


In Gratitude I fill my basket feeling so loved and so abundant . Earth , The Mother is gifting us with her first bounty , in turn I give her my Soul’s songs and dreams .


I dry some of the fresh Nettle  and the rest I rinse and start preparing for a simple meal I have learned from Grandma . It used to be our Spring feast and to this day I crave its taste. Besides , when we come out the winter and we feel weak , Nettle comes to the rescue . Its  health benefits made this humble plant into a superstar .

The recipe is simple . Boil water with a pinch of salt and throw the rinsed nettles in for two three minutes . Drain and chop but save the broth. You will use some later in the recipe and the rest you can drink , rinse your hair or dye your favorite scarf with .


Saute’ one onion and few cloves of garlic in two -three tablespoons of olive oil. When the onion looks soft and shiny throw the chopped nettle in and mix gently . Let it simmer for five to ten minutes and add some broth ( a ladle or two ) . Let it simmer at medium heat for another ten minutes and is ready .

You can pair it with some golden polenta or just bread and sunny side up eggs . I like it either way with some extra fresh garlic and without eggs .



The sun light feels even brighter in contrast with the longer nights.  I stroll through my back yard embracing every corner and summer memory. My garden is falling asleep under a thick coat of cover crops and  the trees lost most of their leaves allowing for a beautiful view of the the mountain behind .

At the end of September I applied the last set of biodynamic preparations (#500, # 508 , #501) .

Yesterday I sprayed “ The Harmonizing Preparation” .


It is one of the ways I do Ceremony for the land and express my Gratitude for the nurturing, the love and the bounty provided to me and my family.

In the midst of a world in turmoil and change  I am too small and yet I know that if I continue my work and partnership with Nature I do my part for a brighter future .

The Bees work tireless all summer for a generation of brood they will never meet . It is a lesson I absorbed in my core. It gave me strength knowing that every action we take today will bloom later in life or next season or in the lifetime of our grandchildren .

Facing the darkest part of the year it is Gratitude that will keep our dreams alive .

I invite you all to keep this Inner Light alive by writing ten reasons you are grateful for , give thanks to ten people , leave an offering in your garden or in any public park as a token of appreciation for Nature’s support.

The offering can be anything.: a song, a heart felt note, a rock, some bird seeds or just a sip of water.

And just before the evening’s end remember those who crossed over by lighting a candle.

With Gratitude , Light, Love and Peace.


Green Manure and Cover Crops

In honey dipped light the grasshoppers and crickets are singing their hearts out (Ble-sssed Bee , Ble -ssed Bee) while my garden is falling asleep through my fingers.

Even with eyes closed I can not ignore the signs anymore. Autumn has taken over the wheel.

I started to clean up even though my tomatoes are still blushing  this year I am  seeding heavily Field Peas , Oats,  and Buckwheat.

I feel my garden needs some pampering .

For the last six years I have been using them on and off and since I lack livestock this became my way to  nourish back the soil in addition to the biodynamic sprays.

Two years ago I have used Alfalfa  not only for feeding the soil but also to break compaction . (and it makes a yummy addition to salads and tea)

I  have a lot of Red Clover and I encourage it to the point that became weedy. It helps with nitrogen fixation  and  makes a delicious cooling beverage in summer (steep the flowers in hot water and then refrigerate)

Buckwheat comes in handy when you need to suppress weeds . (a wonder plant with so many uses)

The added benefits of using these crops are the extra food they provide to the Bees and other pollinators and erosion protection .

It has to be a win win. My garden taught me gently to give as much as I take.

Curiously it reverberates into everything else as I believe cooperation and love are the way.

A messy Paradise

It has been a while since my last post. So intense my labour and the magical happenings that I couldn’t take a moment to write.

I will elaborate in the following posts. For now I just want to share with you what gave me sustenance during this past month: My Garden.

Today I was going through some pictures and I stumbled upon how we started our journey in stewarding this piece of land. It is the first time in many years I stopped and took a moment to enjoy the transformation.

Every morning , early , I  start my day watering and playing hide and seek with the squashes. Sleepy Bees  coming in for nectar convinced me not to cut the grass for a while :  Clovers were in full bloom.

The Marjoram lavishly flowered reaching out to the neighboring beds .

Life present everywhere. Looking around me all I can feel is GRATITUDE.

Gratitude for Life, for the Water, for the Sun Light , for the Wind and the Earth.

On my way back to the house I walk slowly through a sea of blooming Plantain (Bees Love it) and stop in my favorite dreaming corner , where years ago we made a stone circle.


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Here  I sit still for a moment and give my prayers to the Wind , Thanking the Garden for all the beauty surrounding.

And in the heavenly smell of Bee Balm and Mountain Mint I breath in all the Love and start my day.

Hope some of this sweetness will reach your Hearts too.

Inspiration Update

The Grass is growing.

I planted Moss, Creeping Thyme , Russian Sage , Bird’s Nest Spruce and have been tending them everyday for the last month. It has been very warm and dry . It looks like they are going to make it.

Next year I will look into more Alpine plants . For now I am just trying to get a sense of how does it want to look like.
