A Magical Feng Shui Story

Back in May I shared with you  in Messages in a wall and A simple reflection  how trying to replace a window led to a complete clean up of my Helpful People Gua.

Well , after I managed to close the wall I dove straight in the basement (the Past) to replace the window underneath the area affected. This took me a while because here nothing is easy.On the bright side I cleaned the Helpful People (in the Past ) Gua really good and sealed and painted the wall.

I was ready to resume work on the main floor ,only the house wanted me to consider few things: The clean up would extend in the Creativity and Relationships Guas and a new window was to be added in the bathroom( Relationships bordering Creativity). So I needed a plan since the experience with the first one left me exhausted. Now I was looking at replacing two windows and adding a third one.

Because we were going back and forth with the idea of tearing down the whole wall  I took some time to meditate.

One morning looking at hiking trails around here I stumbled upon an article about the Lenni Lenapes-TheWolf Clan   which lived in the area I live .I knew about them and being fond of their history always searched for more information.One year I even planted the “Three Sisters ” (corn , squash and beans) in their honor.

For one thing ,The Wolf is very dear to me. It has appeared many times in my life and it was revered in my ancestry as a sacred animal. The Dacians (my ancestors ) had a Wolf flag . The picture bellow is a beautiful detail of how the flag looked like . It was used to protect a space, often mounted on gates or at each corner of land boundaries and in battle was carried as a pole flag by brave riders to intimidate the enemy.


The Dacian Flag ( The Wolf) carved on a wood gate in Maramures/Romania

The article signaled their presence in my multidimensional world and I started to listen to my heart rather then my logical side.

I felt as if changing the basement window  opened a benevolent portal through which I could communicate with the Ancestors of the land ( The Lenni Lenape)

Every morning I thanked them for their presence ( which I felt strongly) asking for guidance and protection.

Within few days  I started to scan the local newspaper for carpenters. I needed someone who would help me and accept  that I was working with them literally.

After few disappointing interviews  I took the newspaper again and  this time I allowed my intuition to completely take over. That afternoon the gentleman came in time wearing a T-shirt with a beautiful printed Wolf . I knew it was a sign. And after few words I had a lot of confidence everything was going to be ok.

Since we were approaching 4th of July we made arrangements to start working on July 15.

On 4th of July  my husband and I peacefully went hiking being grateful for finally finding a person we could rely on. On the trail we met a couple who felt so familiar and close. In our conversation the article I have read was brought up again . This time the woman mentioned it and I smiled with my whole soul knowing it was a confirmation  of our tangent worlds.

On July 15th we opened the rest of the wall , replaced the plate because the termite damage was extended and carefully framed and installed the new windows .

The energy shifted powerfully when  we wrapped the wall in  Tyvek. In that moment Everything felt crispy clean and strong. New windows ( eyes into our homes soul) allowed us to look into the world with new confidence and clarity. And the world could look at us with perhaps more kindness.

Not as a surprise while all this was going on I met by chance a new friend , an amazing artist who helped  us tie some loose ends, put the lath and the scratch coat ( cement at the bottom and lime on top).  He also mended the two surfaces with lath and the scratch coat . That was a big push for me. The following days I worked ten hours straight for each lime coat  ( two coats) and about four hours to apply the lime paint. The lime shifted the energy further. I hope the pictures speak for themselves .


You probably understand my silence now. It was a lot to integrate alone , never mind trying to tell a story about it.

As I write this I am contemplating the changes  and feel refreshed and strengthened by the Light flowing  in sweetly and the hopeful new connections we have made.

Sometimes life is showing us a non linear path of resolving our reality. If we have the courage to follow it we can find ourselves in a magical world of possibilities and miracles at every turn.

Inspiration Update

The Grass is growing.

I planted Moss, Creeping Thyme , Russian Sage , Bird’s Nest Spruce and have been tending them everyday for the last month. It has been very warm and dry . It looks like they are going to make it.

Next year I will look into more Alpine plants . For now I am just trying to get a sense of how does it want to look like.



Last September we went hiking at Peter’s Kill in Minewaska State Park ( NY) and I felt in love with Nature’s esthetic and ingenious way against erosion. Trees were wrapping their roots around massive rocks allowing smaller plants to spread in between and hold the dirt.


A mixture of moss and pebbles of all sizes were creating a mosaic of whimsical patterns .

I came back that day wishing I could bring the mountain and all the Faeries home with me.

For about nine and a half month I kept sketching the front of our home constantly referring to the hiking memory.

We found a very talented landscaper and stone mason who captured my wish in a blink and made a dream come true.(www.rocmason.com)

Now all we have to do is add moss and some plants.

IMG_0072There is nothing like using natural materials. The stone power speaks for itself.


Messages in a wall

It is raining again. Only today,since it is May 1st, it feels special as if the Water is meant to sooth and heal. In the background I hear OM DHARA chanted by Deva Premal.

om dhara dharayei namaha
om dharayei namaha
om bhu devyei namaha

Om and salutations to Divine Mother
who is the support of the earth.

Om and salutations to Divine Mother who is the Earth.
Honouring Mother Earth as the goddess she is”

I have been planting trees and working in the gardens in parallel with working on the house.

Interestingly I am tearing down a wall in the Helpful People and Travel Gua to replace a window.

And all would have been very easy if right on the day Mercury went retrograde I  did not find some old termite damage that has been just buried under drywall .

So now I will have to clean out and replace the wood plate. Lucky me it is not a load bearing wall.

Sometimes detours are blessings in disguise. I see all this as a metaphor : Cleaning out hidden obstacles for allowing authentic , loving and unconditional support into my life to build our dream Faerie Home . And it looks like my findings remind me of some important parts in my work.( check out Termite Totem )

As usual when I create chaos in my home I feel it at cellular level. The bees  the gardens and my husband’s hugs pull me through .

My plans are changing a bit. It is the house talking to me again , showing me the weaknesses the ugly and the hurt so I can bring in more Light, Healing and Hope.

At every step I found a lesson. Our home gives me a trail of wisdom crumbs to ponder for the journey.

The moral ? Tread lightly as there is a hidden meaning at every turn you take.

Nurturing the Nourishing


One week old Kale


One week old Heirloom Tomato


Winter is the time of dreaming and planning for  Spring and Summer .  Like any biodynamic gardener after I retrieved  my seeds from underground  on Epiphany (Jan 6) I immediately  prepared for starting them .

Some seeds are so tiny you can barely see them . It takes patience and lots of love to sit each one in the fresh filled starting cells . As I place the flats under the lamp I am filled with Gratitude . This will grow to feed us over early Spring , Summer and Fall . And this will grow to feed the Bees and other pollinators while painting magic everywhere .


It  is a time of listening , preparation and nurturing ; not just the future garden but also my new designs for the year ahead . My drawing board is filling with sketches and dreams .


I am filled with excitement for all the upcoming projects .

Over the years I have learned the importance of intention and deliberate creation . Working on a large project , like ours , Intention keeps us on track  and motivated .

Still in nature’s dreamtime but close enough to early Spring I walk around our garden imagining the fragrances and the colors to come and infusing lots of Love at every step.   

Speaking of Love …I am making paper clay hearts for Valentine’s day . They are available on my website www.ethericdesigns.com


“Seeds of Love” waiting to sprout into a splash of color and Gold


My intention with this blog is not to teach you how to start your seeds but an invitation to allow yourself immersion in Nature’s rhythm . I have learned I have more energy, clarity and optimism when I do so. After all what I have learned from the garden is to let go of the need for doing and listen and flow more , allowing the seasons to teach me.

I have learned from the trees when to give in to dreaming and to take action .

This morning I went for a walk and the tree buds are awakening but still sleepy . My Witch Hazel flowered timidly . She is an early riser. So I know we still have some winter to bear .

Witch Hazel_Fotor


Please join me and nurture your dreams and gardens . I hope you are considering organic and heirloom seeds , non GMO and lots of wildflowers and herbs for the Bees and other pollinators .

                  In the web of Life every action we take has an impact.

Thresholds of Awareness

One of my greatest gifts is to see the highest  potential in people and places.

When I walk through a space the first five minutes gives me a vision of what the place dreams to become.

Same thing has happened with our home. In despite of the sad appearance I saw a loving and beautiful space, embraced by the Nature surrounding .




In Progress


We moved in and contrary to our plans we had to start with the roof . It gave me an opportunity to adjust the energy using the geometry of the arch by creating an oversized eyebrow over a tiny dormer.

I built the wall in three parts like a puzzle, laminating 3/4”plywood and using the framing of the old dormer.

building thje eyebrow

Why an arch?

Well, for two reasons.

One is  Nature has no sharp turns. Rivers meander,valleys and mountains and free form Honey Bee combs are almost parabolic .

Second is  an arch elevates the energy and brings in spiritual qualities to harmonize and balance. The eyebrow generated vaulted ceilings inside giving a new height and frequency to a space meant for rest and dreaming. More about it perhaps in another post.


Clay plaster on vaulted ceilings

Interestingly enough on one of my garden walks, few years later after we moved in , I did an automatic drawing inquiring about the patterns of the existing energies.

I think the picture speaks for itself.

earth transmition 4_Fotor_Fotor_Collage.jpg

The land holds an energetic pattern which in its pure form is like a map to wholeness. Often times these patterns are disturbed or distorted by Electro Magnetic Fields, corrupted Lay Lines , our actions and our emotions.

Hence our adventure in renovating our home  became a journey through thresholds of awareness :

1   Remembrance

We are called to places where lessons unfold so we can grow and heal.

We think we arrived to heal the place to humbly realize the place heals us. Only then we can hear its voice and bring its creative energy in manifestation.

We start remembering who we are as we peel  the layers of the place and ours towards the One and Only Light.

2. Forgiveness

Healing of the land comes two fold.

Ancestral Karma is being released off the land and also in our personal story. We learn from a point of observance to read the fine print of the story by releasing judgement.

“it brought the best of us “ my husband said. And it is so indeed because we forgave.

3. Unity

We fall apart and we come together in oneness. We are one with ALL.

4. Grounding

Living in a home during construction work is challenging .We survive the chaos through contemplation and connecting to the Earth.  Our example is the mountain behind our property.It taught us patience, being present, strength, perseverance.

5. Gratitude

Finding delight and appreciation in every little thing or circumstance opened our hearts and minds to infinite possibilities.

6. Co creating with the Divine

Learning how to step aside from our ego and draw the creative impulses while holding space for “This or something Greater” with the future in our hearts.

7. Transcending old patterns

This is our seventh year into creating Sanctuary.

It has been a summer of less doing and more reflecting on our achievements  integration and releasing.

We are transcending the old patterns of irritation and the land mirrors us showing is ready to embrace the new Light geometries.

.All is well .

My inspiration came from an incredible burning desire to create a sustainable living off the grid.  So I started to search different ways to integrate natural building into an existing  1932 ’s structure.

In parallel the pear trees we found as remnants of an old fungus contaminated orchard prompted us to look into Biodynamic farming and Permaculture.

Healing started to unfold . My drawing board was not limited to the structure anymore.It simply bloomed into the garden, naturally .

When the Bees arrived was an exuberant moment and a true demonstration of the word “COEXIST”.

Since that day what others consider weeds (Thistles, Burdock, and Motherwort just as few examples) became an oasis of feeding frenzy not just for the Honey Bees but all the other pollinators.

BeeHappy on Motherwort2_Fotor

Bee on Motherwort

I measure the health of the land by the number of insects and creatures finding shelter and food on it.


Praying Mantis on My Garden Door

As I am writing this I reflect back into the last seven years and all the lessons . Today we honor the old Pear trees making  room for a healthier small orchard in the future.  Letting go of the old brings in opportunity for renewal.

Also we are almost half way with the renovations.

It felt as if our home wanted to secure the future (upper level)  first, consolidated its core (we lined the chimney and created the space for an wood stove which pushed us to consolidate few beams in the basement and rebuild the stairs.

We closed the porch and build a new foundation underneath it.The arch theme reverberates into the present opening harmoniously our Career Gua  (in Feng Shui the dwelling divides in nine zones called Gua) and symbolically the work we Love to do.

IMG_0090IMG_0181front door_Fotor

A beautiful  new door (by Adirondack Naturals http://www.adknaturals.com) adorns and guards our home blessing equally inhabitants, visitors and passers by.

It is a  tiny home and the idea was from the very beginning not to extend its footing but improve the space within . We are living in times when we must ponder what we should take from Nature for our dwellings considering how fragile life is.

Our footprint here is about partnership with the land, beautification as an act of reverence and pouring love in a place we call home hoping it will reverberate out into the world.

What is your footprint?

If there is light in the soul,
there will be beauty in the person.
If there is beauty in the person,
there will be harmony in the house.
If there is harmony in the house,
there will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation,
there will be peace in the world.

– Chinese Proverb


When Your Heart/Art Meets The Gardens

On the threshold of a New Moon in Cancer I was strolling along the path in my garden when my eyes stopped at the ninety degree turn of our fence.

A baby Garter Snake was gazing at me bringing out some messages of transformation, creativity, and shedding limitations.

You can read more here

As I was gazing back at him I realised I was standing in the creativity area of the garden .

A few minutes later I was looking on the internet to identify the snake when I got an email about my website being born into the world . www.ethericdesigns.com

The joy of synchronicity made my heart smile . So I was to expect a ninety degree turn in my creativity through transformation .

I have been dreaming for my website Etheric Designs for a very long time. And today is manifesting into reality creating new opportunities to express and joyfully share my work.

When we first moved into our home seven years ago all we wanted was to spend time in the garden and the more we have been in the garden we wanted the garden inside .

Nature opened my designer heart into a whole new world: Natural Building/Cob Houses ,Beekeeping, Biodynamic Gardening, Permaculture. It taught me that every place has a creative force waiting to be manifested. And one of our tasks here on Earth is to bring that into the world .

After all , the lessons I have learned from the Bees were sinking deep on my drawing board and paired with my Feng Shui studies turned the page of my imagination into a new passion : Creating a Sanctuary for our Soul .

I wanted to create something that would allow me to walk my talk and inspire others in the process .

A house becomes a home when it is aligned with our dreams and becomes a source of physical, emotional and spiritual strength and support .

In many cultures the home is built as the point of intersection between heaven and earth. Not only did the ancient builders consider both orientation and geomantic placement but they did so with reverence for the Earth and the next generations .

We turned away from the seemingly practical, fast paced methods into a slower process and we took time to evaluate how we communicate with the space, what materials we use and the overall theme .

We replaced the old blown in insulation with the more environmentally friendly denim and mineral batts . On the outside, Natural Lime is slowly replacing the vinyl siding.

In the interior, I could only build some areas with cob but I extended the benefit of clay onto the other walls by applying clay plasters and clay paint made by me from scratch.

The floors were replaced by wide boards of pine treated with a natural vegetal oil .

When the oil-fueled furnace broke down, we replaced it with a wise wood stove which enables us to cook, bake and gaze into the fire while we are working on a hydraulic heating system powered by the sun .

We have been on this journey for a very long time completing the design as our Home nudges us in the right direction .

In the meantime the garden keeps teaching us, reinforcing our view and desire to step fully into a sustainable way of living .

Stop by from time to time and see the progress, get insights and dream with us .

My true happiness lies in the knowing that something I create, discover or learn could open a new perception and courage for someone else to seek different ways to co create with Nature .