A new view into Paradise

Keeping the silence  of the world

I weave my dreams and yours

with strands of Light

and cherry blossoms ;

so when the moon is dipped in gold

deeds fill with ores

rich in delight

and all things awesome.

Transient between dimensions

I stretch my breath

into Lapis blue Heavens ,

growing roots in dreamy depths

and Love rich humus

where learning to surrender

becomes the vision

which seeds tomorrow’s splendor.


Happy Spring

from my heart to yours.

Solstice Gifts

The longest night arrives at our doorstep . In the flickering Light of our heart’s fire we collect our deeds and thoughts for evaluation.

What we will take with us in the New Year? What dreams are germinating ?

For the last few days it felt as if we are floating in new waters of creation. There are no maps for our journeys ; only stars , rocks and garden omens. In the sun light I feel the warmth of a promise:  Spring . It is too young and yet strong enough of an idea to Hope.

This is the time when tucked in by the fire we look for meaning in every small thing. I usually pick some cards while I  scout answers, validations or direction .Today in Gratitude for all who followed my humble thread of thoughts and those so kind to stop by I picked two cards from my favorite Sacred Geometry deck.





” Piercing the Vail  – Self Awareness.Seeking Wisdom”

“This card suggests that you are in a quest of greater understanding of your life path. Imagine that you travel with this shaman into the geometry and into your own pursuit of self awareness.Gaze past the veils of ego and delusion. Let it be your intention to move beyond these limitations and into your own personal truth. Courageously step forward and pursue the the way of wisdom.”

“Fruit of Life -Abundance.Manifestation”

” In all things abundant there exists nourishment that feeds your needs and offers you the opportunity to be of service. The maxim As you give , so shall you receive is absolutely true from the standpoint of your current situation. The message is one of unselfishly sharing. Sharing your abundance is sharing the Light . ”

The meaning explanation for both was a lot longer . However I think just the last passages are straight to the point. We will all read and take away that which is our own unique gift and yet collectively we will share the same truth. As we step in a new year and new energies we will probably find out there is no separation ,compassion is a jewel,kindness will open doors and generosity will enrich everyone.

Wishing you all a Blessed Solstice and Happy Holidays

From my heart to yours

Light Quest

All roads lead to Rome

And there are  so many.

No signs carved in bone

Just crumbs and sky notes, if any.

We enfold like blooming roses.

Pointing to the west;

even try a million poses

To map the Light Quest.

We follow Stars drawing in their trail,

build cairns of thought for future deeds

softly opening the till and hoping to unveil

our soul’s miracle seeds.

Dream turns into Dreamer

Exalting the I in Am .

Veils seem magically thinner.

Christ as  inner Hologram

appears in glowing shimmer.

Lead into Gold

became the lesson

and in my Garden’s hold

All else starts to lessen

Only the Cosmic Love is bold.