Solstice Gifts

The longest night arrives at our doorstep . In the flickering Light of our heart’s fire we collect our deeds and thoughts for evaluation.

What we will take with us in the New Year? What dreams are germinating ?

For the last few days it felt as if we are floating in new waters of creation. There are no maps for our journeys ; only stars , rocks and garden omens. In the sun light I feel the warmth of a promise:  Spring . It is too young and yet strong enough of an idea to Hope.

This is the time when tucked in by the fire we look for meaning in every small thing. I usually pick some cards while I  scout answers, validations or direction .Today in Gratitude for all who followed my humble thread of thoughts and those so kind to stop by I picked two cards from my favorite Sacred Geometry deck.





” Piercing the Vail  – Self Awareness.Seeking Wisdom”

“This card suggests that you are in a quest of greater understanding of your life path. Imagine that you travel with this shaman into the geometry and into your own pursuit of self awareness.Gaze past the veils of ego and delusion. Let it be your intention to move beyond these limitations and into your own personal truth. Courageously step forward and pursue the the way of wisdom.”

“Fruit of Life -Abundance.Manifestation”

” In all things abundant there exists nourishment that feeds your needs and offers you the opportunity to be of service. The maxim As you give , so shall you receive is absolutely true from the standpoint of your current situation. The message is one of unselfishly sharing. Sharing your abundance is sharing the Light . ”

The meaning explanation for both was a lot longer . However I think just the last passages are straight to the point. We will all read and take away that which is our own unique gift and yet collectively we will share the same truth. As we step in a new year and new energies we will probably find out there is no separation ,compassion is a jewel,kindness will open doors and generosity will enrich everyone.

Wishing you all a Blessed Solstice and Happy Holidays

From my heart to yours

Nature Resurrected . Three weeks into Bliss

My Bees did not make it through the winter. I had them for about three years .They arrived as a swarm and they were tough as nails . The sorrow froze my heart and when I opened them up I found out they never got to cluster back on one of those days that went from 60 Fahrenheit to well bellow freezing. They left stores of honey waiting in the empty hive.

In despair I bought three packages and although I was told they will arrive April 1st  my broken heart did not want to hear it . I was still mourning my hive.

I think it was around the 29th my house started to smell like a hive. I know it sounds strange but it is true. The first time I have bought Bees same thing happened to me. So I knew I will hear something soon. On March 31st I had a phone call my Bees were ready to meet me . I had exactly an hour to drive there . It was very exciting and scary because it was raining and freezing cold .  When I picked them up I was told I could keep them for few days inside .


Bee Packages freshly picked up

I drove back home singing to them and telling them about the gardens and about my plans .

After they stayed inside the house with me for few days I took them out on April 2nd, the first warm, sunny day in a very long time . They were so happy to be out of the wire cage they did not fuss about a thing and everything went smooth .


I stood there in awe and gratitude watching them cover my hands and flying everywhere   Love was in the air and I felt a shift.

One week later I opened them to retrieve the queen cages and they already had drawn comb and stored pollen . They were diving full force into their work . 

I start them with just a sliver of wax foundation at the top of the frames so they get a chance to build in their own  natural measurement  and they love it.

I also feed them for the first three-four weeks Bee Tea. ( Cane sugar syrup or honey mixed with herbal tea and essential oils like Lemongrass , Eucalyptus , Thyme and Spearmint) . The tea strengthens their immune system and gives them confidence in the first days of making comb and getting adjusted to a new place .

Tomorrow  on Easter Sunday they are three weeks into entraining me in their frequency. Since their arrival Trees flowered, Dandelions emerged, the Weather is tamed , everyday is Paradise again and I barely touch the ground .

While they are busy bringing loads of pollen I am cleaning the garden around the hives . Although I could give them individual names they told me many years ago their name is Andromeda . They also taught me to listen with my heart , never treat them and never assume I know better .

Bees have very high frequency and if you are open they will telepathically inform you of their needs and also teach you some zen wisdom.

One of the first lessons I have received was Bliss. They actually make me feel it in their presence . Meditating with them daily helped me understand our natural state as Bliss , Oneness and unconditional Love . It is those moments  that reminded me why seven years ago in the biodynamic beekeeping class I sobbed watching the movie Tales from the Hive . It is deep ingrained into our hearts to live in these states , yet we are drawn in separation and we fight with life .

Tomorrow we celebrate Easter. To me the celebration goes beyond its religious connotation . I celebrate Nature’s resurrection  and my own from sleep walking into being present , allowing my Soul to shine and striving to embody my Spirit .

A lot more about Bees , Andromeda and Love soon.

Until then I wish to radiate all they filled my heart with into yours .



When the world turns grim we can allow ourselves to slip into darkness or we can open our hearts to LOVE.

Love is the only tie that never dissolves and transcends space and time.

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”

                                                              ― Jimi Hendrix

All Copy Rights reserved to Cristina van Bladel

Love – watercolor available in prints at Was originally created as an energizer and energy enhancer for the Love Gua

“One word

Frees us of all the weight and pain of life:

That word is love.”



Sharon McErlane 

A simple reflection

Since my last post it took a lot of will power and discipline to get through my work.

The day I replaced the rotten plate in my wall I was alone , with no one to ask for HELP and rain was approaching.

My hands were tired and the stress to close up the wall was high. I thought of what a loving community means in someone’s life . Nourishment is not just food but also helping each other , caring for each other. Except for my immediate family I have none of that in the village I live in.

The Termite medicine was showing me in reverse their wisdom.

Being a seed trusted to a foreign land I made friends with  Nature and its wild creatures but not with my fellow humans. A lot to ponder here.


I find it so interesting how my home nudges me to expand and evolve my heart and consciousness through  the practical experiences at hand.

My days are pretty much chop wood, carry water and send prayers into the wind.

My Garden is enfolding into its magic and if I could have more day light in a day to work , I would.

Are you surrounded by a loving , supporting community?

In the lack of, I made my version of the prayer flags to remind me support and love is everywhere in the Universe and the same elements scattered around me are within me .

Hence I am one with All .

FullSizeRender (2)

Hope this post will inspire you to be kind to everyone including yourself.

Village in the Sky

Tonight we are going through a wormhole : New moon and total Solar Eclipse.

Plus a super dance between the planets all gathered in Pisces.

I am not an astrologer but as a  biodynamic gardener and earth intuitive I follow closely the map of energies at hand.

The two words that came into my mind today (as I was admiring the Sun Rise ) were Grace and Gratitude.

I feel Grace and Gratitude every time I am outside in the garden or anywhere in Nature.

I experience these feelings when I see , listen to , or read something beautiful , when I encounter kindness and when I make something with my own hands or create anything.

When I wrote my first post I jumped into the vast net of our parallel world The Internet a little bit scared but hopeful I will not sound completely crazy or off the wall.

Then everyday I made another post I gained more wind under my wings and flying seemed  a real possibility.  While flying I met other brave souls , beautiful and all expressing their Joy, their Journeys, all immensely creative and resourceful.

Often when I meet someone who touches my heart I think: I wish we lived in the same village. Because any one would want to live with kindness, compassion, creativity, knowledge, art, food growers, wise ones, magical ones , humorous ones , dream weavers and word smiths.

I would like to introduce to you some people who for the reasons listed above I will call them “ Village in the Sky”.

Ana Maria Theis the author of Christic Codes and a magical being. I met her  in December 2015 at a poetry night in my earthly  village and the synchronicity , beauty and magic keeps unfolding ever since. And we both share ancient roots of which I will write more in a future blog.

Tami Brunk and Cayelin Castell  whose wise teachings taught my heart to listen and hear the night sky and Venus singing.

Sylvia Ismail  who gracefully visited and encouraged me by becoming the first person to follow my blog and who manages to nurture life in her garden in Cairo with knowledge and passion .

Cultivatingtime  who’s supporting visits kept me writing.

Justbluedutch who magically appeared and validated my musings inspiring me even more.

Christina, Bec and Kate@BarnHouse whose gardens are out of this world.

Rebecca Treeseed  , a naturalist with a full bag of knowledge and love for her food forest and mountain.

Amie Elna who showed me we must keep our inner child alive and made me wish I could be one of the neighbor’s children to play in the wild with her kids.

Lemanshots whose photography is amazing , poetry in digital files.

And many, many others.

For the Village in the Sky where all hearts form a brilliant mosaic of life I raise my Shaman’s Drum and sing to the Sky and Land, offer my Gratitude and call in the Sun, The Moon and the Stars .

May we all  , as a whole, experience Grace today.

May our dreams weave together a magical and love filled life for our families, communities and The World .
